Confessions of a Suburban Nightmare

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Changes as you can see, this isn't a scene. So I've been doing a lot of thinking lately (and when I say lately, I mean in the past day) and I've decided to change things up a bit. Instead of just a play a day, I'm turning this here blog into a "literary project-a-day" Yes- I love plays- don't get me wrong, but some days I just want to write poetry or a story. Sometimes (and when I say sometimes I mean always) I've got these characters vying for my attention and their story can't be told with just dialogue alone. (no I'm not skitzofrenic...just...imaginiative) thats that. For those of you who actually read this (my fellow homework procrastinators to mention a few) I thank you profusely and just think of it as variety. You'll still get scenes...but mixed in with prose and poetry and all that good! And also, now that I'm not holding back what I really feel like writing, you'll get to read day after day...instead of month from month. But why am I trying to communicate this like its some sales pitch anyway? This is my blog (which I thank you again for reading) If you like it read it if you dont, well...don't.

And now for your feature presentation...


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