Confessions of a Suburban Nightmare

Saturday, January 07, 2006

#15-January 7th- Poem- Home.

Live it up on dreams kid
Home is all I want
where there is
Room 237 with the scuffed green wallmart ball
pizza and pilates on the floor
handball in the halls
friday night spontaneous movie parties on the laptop
painted shoes
runnin at six in the mornin
and bed at 2
the polaroid goddess
and le gallery de banana man
Team Robb
and ant invasions
orange and light febreeze
and out loud readings of "Howl".
"O starry spangled shock of mercy the eternal war is here O victory forget your underwear we're free"
Falling off the mattresses in mad laughter.
In a room where we could laugh
yet understanding everything.
Inspiration for my life
comes from that room
from that hall
from that hill.
And in this heart
that aches for home
pains for the people
I did so freely know
For they would know what it is to say

"I'm with you in Rockland in my dreams"

(cred. due to Allen Ginsberg. My poet idol.)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

#14-January 3rd- You Can Buy It On Ebay!

Thank you Alexa (she tells some interesting stories)

Kurt: m 17
Katie: f 16

(Kurt and Katie are cousins who live together with Katie’s mother. Due to their closeness in age as well as being family, they play basically the brother & sister role/ best friend role to each other. It’s about eleven at night and Katie is quietly sneaking in the house via sneaking in through Kurt’s open bedroom window.)

(Scene opens up with Katie swinging leg over Kurt’s window ledge and climbing in, and Kurt turning his head from where he’s sitting at his desk at the sound)

Hey- thanks for leavin it open.

Come here a sec
(waves her over)

Oh man- do I even want to Kurt?

Sure ya do. Just come here. It doesn’t bite.

Yeah. This time. I bet it’s one of your bizarre attempts to have material to send to Ripley’s Believe It or Not again isn’t it. Or, or maybe, your goin for Guinness’s again. Is that it?

No little Miss Cynical. This time it’s quite different.

(crosses arms)
Mm hmm.

Well if you would actually come over here and look, you would know. Now wouldn’t you.

(starts to walk over)
Alright Dr. Emmett Brown- what’s so different this time?


Money eh.

To put it quite simply.

(carefully hands open shoebox over to Katie)
(long silence)



(smiles proudly)
Yup! Aren’t they a beauty?

(long silence as she stares at him in disbelief)

Fine. Don’t appreciate.
(snatches back box)

Kurt. (pause) How the hell did you manage to come up with the idea you would get even a fraction of a tarnished penny for dust bunnies.
(starts up muttering)
Sometimes Kurt….I swear to God….

Oh I didn’t come up with it.

Oh really. Then who did? The Easter Bunny?

One word.



What then?




(long pause)

Yup. (beat) Ebay.

Honey- No one- I repeat- no one (beat) is gonna buy your crap on Ebay. You're better off selling "Elmers Glue for Dummies"

It is not crap!

Oh, I’m sorry, not our crap. (beat) The couch’s crap. Yes- yes that’s much better. Kurt- it’s crap.

You know what. I can see where you’re coming from. You’re just jealous of all the money I’ll be bringin in. And none of it for you.

Newsflash buddy- you could put up your so called “item” up there if you really wanted- but you’d probably be in debt to them by the end of the week for wasted space.
(reaches into back pocket)
Know what Cous- here five bucks. That should cover it. Consider it charity.

(throws dollar bill back at her)
I don’t need your stupid money! That is unless you want to make an investment into Hidden Treasure Inc.

You made a name for it? Wow. Please choke me if my laughing gets too loud. Wouldn’t want to wake up mom- or much less the rest of the freaking neighborhood. A company for dust bunnies! I’m going to bed. I’m sure I’m dreaming. Good night.

(walks out of room)

(hums Ebay jingle (the “Broadway” parody one)

(camera pans out, end scene.)

Monday, January 02, 2006

#13-Prose-January 2nd- Stalling Time

Happy New Year everyone-
Part One of I'm guessing an ongoing story...:

Mental Small Talk:
The tile in the ladies room is green. And it’s not the paint. Lingering heavy in the air- the smell of menthols coating all grime that ever developed on any given surface in the entire room. And I came here to get “air”. Yeah. That was intelligent. I don’t even know what I’m still doing here anyway. Just takin up a spot in the long line to use the john. But I sense I’m not the only one in this. There’s a girl in the far corner over by the sinks and the banged up mirror- one nail short of fallin clean off the wall. Well at least there would be something clean. So this girl in the corner- she looks a little lost. Skirt short as hell, cleavage to stop any man in his tracks, fishnet stockings, and frizzy hair to make you fearful of electrical sockets for the rest of your natural life. You know who she is. She takes a long drag off her cigarette and doesn’t even bother to blow it out the window in which she stares out of in a heavy trance. Like maybe she’s already left the place and it’s just her body left polluting the rest of us. Not like the rest of us are doing any better for ourselves- just being here. For example: I think I need another drink.

Examen Exits:
I’m only here because of Ike. He’s got the fake ID’s. Even if I don’t care for the scumbag to much. It’s the only place I can get some of the hard stuff. Well…there are other places but I don’t possess the key to my Nazi father’s shatter proof liquor cabinet. But anyway- so ultimately I feel like getting out of here all together. If I don’t want to ride home with Mr. Can’t-keep-his-dick-in-his-pants I probably shouldn’t get too wasted so I can walk a straight line down the sidewalk on the way home.

The smoke from electrical accident girl’s last puff clears and I can see the size of the window. And just my luck its barred. So I guess its time for plan B. Stall time. “Stall Time” having two clever meanings- stall time while sitting in the bathroom stall. If I don’t come out for long enough he’ll get tired of standing and leave. Then I can slip out. Presto- mission accomplished. And yeah, I realize there’s a billion dancing woman waiting for a precious bathroom stall- but with the exception of electrical accident girl who is happily finding solace in her cigarette, I gather that most of them have nice dates waiting for them outside. That- and they’re legal. So stall number two it is.

Have you ever actually read the writing inside a bathroom stall? Well when you’re stalling (pun intended) it’s what you get to do to pass the time. Second question- have you ever actually dialed the phone numbers juvenilely scribbled into the toilet paper holder? Well if you’re taking a piss and share your phone with people, I would hope not. But when you’re trying to get rid of Ike and you were the kid in kindergarten who had to be sent to the corner because she couldn’t sit still- by all means dial.

Uneventful Action:
So take out my beaten up cell phone, pick the crudely scratched number under “Andy Dilhall is a dick-wad” and dial away. be continued.